中國廚房設備網( 日期:2013.5.31 來源:互聯網
Yesterday in Wroc?aw took place the solemn Gala summarizing competition "Activity organized by 2012″ Women Association" women's Activity in Lower Silesia "in cooperation with the State, Silesian Voivodeship and ?wi?tokrzyskie, Opole Voivodeship, in Lower Silesia.
We know the winners of the contest:
The prize in the category of "micro-enterprises" Lidia Schneider, Lower Silesian Voivodeship; nominated by Ambasadork? women's Activity-Ewa Karpińsk?-Bryke.
The prize in the category of "small businesses" Antonina Kopa?a-Wdowiak, Lower Silesian Voivodeship; nominated by Ambasadork? activity of Women-Margaret Miko?ajczyk.
The prize in the category "medium-sized enterprises" Lyudmila Jama Voigt, Silesian Voivodeship; nominated by Ambasadork? women's Activity-Lucy Cartilage-Bar.
The prize in the category of "social economy" Jolanta Grabowska-Markowska, Silesian Voivodeship; nominated by the Ambassador of women's Activity Father Bogus?aw Barańskiego.
The prize in the category "Local Environment" received the Maria Wlodarczyk, Silesian Voivodeship; nominated by Ambasadork? women's Activity-Catherine So?tys.
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